In the eighties Jose Quessada decides to definitely settle in Paris, an idea he had been entertaining since the seventies. He rents a small apartment close to the Place de la Contraescarpe, together with his wife Alma, with whom he spends long periods, dedicating his time to painting in different ateliers such as the one belonging to Juan Soriano, who was his friend and colleague and who had been living for a long time in this beautiful city.
At this time he realized two of his most successful exhibitions in two of the most famous art galleries of the city: one in the Galerie Drouand, property of Danielle Drouand who is the grandchild of the founder, and one in the gallery Berham Jeune, named after its founder who was the Maecenas of Renoir at the end of the XIXth century and which is still located in the Rue de Faubourg Saint-Honoré.
It is also in this period that Jose varies his style little by little, going from the figurative abstract to the figurative.
In this evolution it can be observed how the change from long brushstrokes to smaller and more defined ones, makes the design of every figure sharper. Of all the color variations, he chooses softer hues, which are more in agreement with the daily life scenes, leaving behind the experimentations inspired by his visits to Art Museums in the city, and the variety of forms used by his predecessors, to acquire his proper way of expression. This is how Jose obtains at the end of the decade a style of his own which he will use from the nineties on.